To Continue Leading a Change in High-Tech,

We Need You With Us.

Tsofen-Tashbik is a pioneer nonprofit organization developing hi-tech in Arab society in Israel. Our mission is to foster diversity and inclusion in the hi-tech industry, in order to allow Arabs – an under-represented minority – an equal share in this leading economic sector in Israel.


Online Donation via N.I.F

הקרן החדשה לישראל היא הארגון המוביל לקידום והגנה על הדמוקרטיה בישראל.

Bank Transfer

Bank 12 (Hapoalim) Branch 726
Account number 387330 
in the name of “Tsofen – High Technology Centers Ltd. (NPO)”

IBAN transfer code – IL830127260000000387330

Website By Minuf
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